Our journey began with the goal of understanding how advanced sensor technology—widely used to monitor bridges, railroads, and other critical infrastructure—could be leveraged to enhance the safety and resilience of the buildings where we live and work. We soon learned that any sustainable solution must combine specialized expertise, hands-on support, and be financially accessible for building owners.
These early insights led us to forge strategic collaborations with Move Solutions, a global leader in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) technologies, and world-class structural engineers in South Florida. Together we launched a groundbreaking pilot project in Miami to assess the practical challenges and real-world benefits of leveraging this technology.
Our mission
SmartCore is driven by a clear purpose: to accelerate the widespread adoption of advanced technologies that fundamentally transform how we monitor and protect our built environments. Our focus is to provide turnkey solutions that are both economically accessible for building owners and technologically rigorous for engineering professionals.
By bridging the gap between advanced monitoring solutions and practical implementation, we aim to eliminate the barriers that have historically prevented the application of proven monitoring technologies beyond the realm of major civil and landmark structures. SHM technology is a powerful tool for the early detection of structural anomalies providing added peace of mind to property owners, managers, and residents alike.
Our hope is that broad adoption, combined with the accumulation of structural performance data and the rapid advancement of computational intelligence, will contribute to safer, more resilient, and efficient structures.